Internal meeting of the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (December 2017)
The annual internal meeting of the Izaña Atmospheric Research Centre (IARC) was held at the Izaña Observatory On December 14, 2017. The principal investigators of each working group presented their most recent activities, as well as the new objectives and activities planned for 2018. Former IARC employees and collaborating researchers from other institutions also participated in this meeting.
The meeting began with a summary of the most noteworthy activities carried out throughout the year, which was presented by the IARC’s director, Emilio Cuevas. He also explained the most important strategic changes in R & D that the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is likely to address in the following years, and its implications in the WMO Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) program. Then, the heads of the IARC’s research programs, presented the achievements in 2017 and new objectives for 2018:
– Ozone and UV (Alberto Redondas)
– In-situ Aerosols (Sergio Rodríguez)
– Radiation and Column Aerosols (Emilio Cuevas)
– FTIR (Omaira García)
– Reactive gases (Emilio Cuevas)
– Ozonesondes (Natalia Prats)
– Water Vapor (Pedro Miguel Romero)
– Greenhouse Gases and Carbon Cycle (Emilio Cuevas/Enrique Reyes/Ramón Ramos)
– Meteorology (Carlos Marrero/Juanjo de Bustos)
The Head of the IARC’s Basic Systems Unit, Ramón Ramos, presented the latest news on infrastructures, equipment and communications, and Felix Santo Tomás presented outstanding topics related to administration and economic management of our Center.
The day ended with a Christmas Cup, which allowed a relaxed exchange of opinions and ideas between groups, thus consolidating the teamwork that is giving this Center such good results.
We enjoy a perfect day to close the year and start the next with the strength and courage necessary to face new challenges.
Happy holidays and happy new year 2018!