Participation in the 5th Spanish Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology (RECTA-2011)

Researches of the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center have presented four studies and have contributed in other two works in the “5th Spanish Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology” (RECTA 2011) was held in the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain) from 27 to 29 June 2011. The aim of RECTA 2011 is to improve the diffusion of the main scientific and technological advances of the Spanish researchers on aerosols, and to promote collaborations in a national but also international scope within the field.
Extended abstracts:
1.    MicroPulse Lidar and Ceilometer inter-comparison during Saharan dust intrusions over the Canary Islands
2.    Influence of ships emissions in the ultrafine particles pollution in an urban coastal air
3.    Transport of North African industrial pollutants mixed with desert dust in the Saharan Air Layer
4.    The ‘WMO Sand and Dust Warning Advisory and Assessment System’ Program
5.    Saharan dust intrusion monitoring. Part 1: Detection, identification and vertical structure analysis
6.    Saharan dust intrusion monitoring. Part 2: Evaluation of potential dust impact on surface

More information about RECTA 2011 in:

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