Calibration of ICEPURE UV-dosimeters at Izaña.
ICEPURE ( is a project within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union with the title ”Impact of Climatic and Environmental factors on Personal UltRaviolet Exposure”. One of the aims of the project is to model personal UV-exposure by utilizing the data collected from small wrist-watch UV dosimeters worn by different study-groups during the 3 years that the project runs: farmer-groups from Spain, Austria, Poland and Denmark (about 100-150 persons from each country) and smaller special leisure study-groups of children, ”sun-lovers” and skiers (about 50 persons in each group). Two groups of ”sun-lovers”, 25 from Denmark and 25 from Spain, has recently been studied during their winter holiday at Los Christianos on Tenerife. Just before this study took place, the Icepure-team had the opportunity of calibrating almost all of the dosimeters that will be used in the project’s lifetime and about 500 UV dosimeters were calibrated at AEMET’s Izaña Observatory on the 3rd of March 2010, when the weather finally cooperated. That calibration is an anchor-point of the whole project and an important milestone was reached. The unique position of Izaña and the wealth of supporting measurements at the Observatory makes this a near-perfect place for calibrating the dosimeters in conditions (UV-index) that surpasses what they may experience during their ”life” in the project. During the successful calibration at Izaña supervised by the Danish Meteorological Institute, a spectroradiometer from the Health Protection Agency, UK, served as the reference instrument for the UV dosimeters developed at Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen.

Small wrist-watch UV dosimeters dosimeter developed at Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen used in Icepure project.
Icepure UV dosimeters calibration at Izaña Observatory