News / Uncategorized March 10, 2016 The scientific paper “Atmospheric methane evolution the last 40 years” has been published in the review Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics after passing the discussion phase
News / Uncategorized March 1, 2016 PhD defense of Elisa Sosa Trujillo: Isotopic composition study of the precipitation and the water vapour in the subtropical region, Canary Islands
News / Uncategorized February 29, 2016 New CIAI’s seminar: First centenary of the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory establisment (1916-2016). A brief historic overview
News / Uncategorized February 24, 2016 Students of the Degrees of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences of the University of La Laguna visited the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory
News / Uncategorized February 23, 2016 Adjoint of the global Eulerian-Lagrangian coupled atmospheric transport model (A-GELCA v1.0): development and validation (New study published in Geoscientific Model Development)