It is Spring Time again
It is Spring Time again
It is Spring Time again. We welcome the sounds of life as spring approaches. This happens at Izana in May-June when hoar-frost and strong winds end, and the flowers bloom. Bees work on retama (Spartocytisus supranubius) and pajonera bushes. The Izana’s honey is very appreciated in Tenerife. This year the flowering has been especially intense because we have had a rainy winter. Bees have been so active that they have impeded to work at the Parti-Lab for one day. Damian and his father had to get dressed beekeeper and to move with well-taken care of the honeycomb that had grown in the roof of the aerosols laboratory.
The kestrels (small raptors) have also returned. They like to use our total sky camera like sentry post. Red Tajinastes (Echium wildpretii) has bloomed and they rise up next to the Observatory. Definitely the spring is here, and we share our facilities with many other alive beings.