New CIAI’s seminar: Modulation of Saharan dust export by the North African dipole


On 6 May 2015 at 13:00, Dr Sergio Rodríguez (CIAI-AEMET) imparted the seminar entitled ” Modulation of Saharan dust export by the North African dipole “at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center’s Offices in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In this seminar, he exposed the results obtained in a recently published (in the scientific review ACP Discussions) study led by him. This study is going to be published soon in its final form in ACP (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics). Click here to go to the section Seminars of the CIAI’s website, where there is available more information (abstract, presentation in pdf, and/or link to a published study) about this and other past seminars (sometimes also about the next programmed seminar).

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