New web portal of the Iberian network for aerosol measurements

The Iberian network for aerosol measurements (RIMA), a scientific network federated to AERONET, has implemented its new web portal ( RIMA was born in 2004 with the aim of promoting the collaboration is measurements and analysis of the columnar atmospheric aerosol properties. Following the AERONET goals, the scientific objectives of RIMA are the characterization of the aerosol for climate studies and the validation of satellite products. Since 2006, RIMA has a calibration facility for the Cimel sun photometers. The calibration process and network management are carried out by the Group of Atmospheric Optics of the University of Valladolid (GOA-UVA) in collaboration with the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (AEMET) and the twining with AERONET (NASA) and PHOTONS (Univ. of Lille). The RIMA web portal incorporates “CÆLIS”, a user-friendly web interface developed by GOA-UVA to browse and display radiometric data.