CIFP- LOS GLADIOLOS students visit the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center

On 25 and 26 February the students of the Higher Level of Professional Training on Environmental Education and Control, taught in the CIFP “Los Gladiolos” at Santa Cruz de Tenerife visited the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory.

On the 25th, the group toured the Observatory so the students could learn in situ monitoring techniques on the chemical composition of the atmosphere are performed within the WMO GAW program in which the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center is enrolled.

Noteworthy is the great interest shown by the CIFP “Los Gladiolos” students to know the activities carried out in the Observatory. They also were able to see that sometimes working conditions are very hard: wind gusts that reached more than 87 km/h on the day of the visit precluded access to the terrace of the observation tower for safety reasons.

On the other hand, the 26th, the students participated in a practice in preparing a system for sampling the rabbit population at around Izaña Observatory, conducted by personnel of Teide National Park, an organization with which the IARC collaborates on phenological observation. This programme was initiated in 2014.


Students working on sampling rabbit population.

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