The scientific paper “Global methane emission estimates for 2000–2012 from CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 v1.0” has been published in the review Geoscientific Model Development after passing the discussion phase


The scientific paper “Global methane emission estimates for 2000–2012 from CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 v1.0”, which had already been published in Geoscientific Model Development Discussions (click here to see the previously published news about the paper content), has just been published in Geoscientific Model Development after passing the public discussion phase (two referees and two editors took part).

Click here to access the paper.

Final reference of the paper:

Tsuruta, A., Aalto, T., Backman, L., Hakkarainen, J., van der Laan-Luijkx, I. T., Krol, M. C., Spahni, R., Houweling, S., Laine, M., Dlugokencky, E., Gomez-Pelaez, A. J., van der Schoot, M., Langenfelds, R., Ellul, R., Arduini, J., Apadula, F., Gerbig, C., Feist, D. G., Kivi, R., Yoshida, Y., and Peters, W.: Global methane emission estimates for 2000–2012 from CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 v1.0, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 1261-1289, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-1261-2017, 2017.

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