Cooperation Program with the Ushuaia Global GAW station
The Meteorological State Agency of Spain (through the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center), The Argentine Meteorological Service (SMN), the National Institute for Space Technology (INTA; Spain) and the government of the province of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), initiated a programme on 14 April 2008 to monitor atmospheric ozone from the global Ushuaia WMO GAW station (Argentina; 55°S and 68°W). This program complements the ozonesonde programs performed on the Antarctic Peninsula by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) at Marambio station (Argentinean Base; 64°S, 57°W), and by the INTA at Belgrano station (Angentinean Base; 78ºS, 34ºW). The new program provides information about the impact of the Antarctic ozone hole on the southern part of South America.

The data from Ushuaia are transmitted to the WMO World Ozone and UV Data Centre (WOUDC) in Toronto, Canada, and are available to the global community of ozone scientists and other interested parties. The data are also used in the WMO Antarctic ozone bulletins, published from August to November.