New CIAI’s seminar. Speciation of organic aerosols in the Saharan Air Layer and in the free troposphere westerlies



On 27 April 2017 at 13:00, PhD Student Isabel García Álvarez (ULL) imparted the seminar entitled “Speciation of organic aerosols in the Saharan Air Layer and in the free troposphere westerlies” at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center’s Offices in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. This talk presents the results of an article recently published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion (ACPD). This study is focused on the composition of the organic aerosols transported in the two main airflows of the subtropical North Atlantic free troposphere: (i) the Saharan Air Layer and (ii) the westerlies. The organic aerosols comprise thousands of individual organic species, some of which have been identified and associated with specific sources or processes.

Click here to go to the section Seminars of the CIAI’s website, where there is available more information (abstract, presentation in pdf, and/or link to a published study) about this and other past seminars (sometimes also about the next programmed seminar).

Link to the article

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