News / Uncategorized September 6, 2013 The novel study entitled “Evaluation of the Use of Five Laboratory Determined Ozone Absorption Cross Sections in Brewer and Dobson Retrieval Algorithms” published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
News / Uncategorized September 3, 2013 Final publication of the paper entitled “Column water vapor determination in night period with a lunar photometer prototype” in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.
News / Uncategorized September 3, 2013 New paper entitled “Variability of carbonaceous aerosols in remote, rural, urban and industrial environments in Spain: implications for air quality policy” has been published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
News / Uncategorized August 8, 2013 Project AMISOC: Campaign in Tenerife for detecting and monitoring the vertical distribution of minor constituents. Impact of Saharan mineral dust on their concentrations.
News / Uncategorized August 8, 2013 Measurement Campaign for the Validation and Characterization of Atmospheric Water Vapour Isotopologues within the European Project MUSICA
News / Uncategorized July 11, 2013 Participation in the 1st Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology 2013 (RICTA)