16th WMO/IAEA meeting on carbon dioxide, other greenhouse gases, and related measurement techniques (Wellington, New Zealand 25th–28th October 2011)


NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand) organized the 16th WMO/IAEA meeting on carbon dioxide measurements, other greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O, SF6, and isotopes of CO2 and CH4), and related measurement techniques (O2, CO, and H2); in Wellington, New Zealand, from 25 till 28 October 2011. Click here to go to the meeting web page. This meeting organized by the World Meteorological Organization is held every two years. Its first edition was in 1975 in La Jolla (California). International experts on high precision and accurate greenhouse gases measurements attended this meeting.

The topics covered in this meeting included: laboratory and field techniques for measurement, calibration, and quality control; reports on comparison efforts; reports from national and regional observing networks; strategies for optimizing and expanding the observing networks; data management, distribution, and archiving; and new instrument capabilities and assessments.

Izaña is a global GAW (Global Atmosphere Watch) station of WMO, where the following greenhouse gases (and related gases) are measured: CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6, and CO; measuring CO2 and CH4 since 1984. Click here to go to GAW-WMO website. The greenhouse gases and carbon cycle program leader of Izaña Atmospheric Research Center attended this meeting. He gave a talk entitled “In-situ CO measurements at Izaña global GAW station: GC-RGA system, data processing, and 2008-2011 time series” (click here to get the talk in pdf) and presented a poster entitled “New improvements in the Izaña (Tenerife, Spain) global GAW station in-situ greenhouse gases measurement program” (click here to get the poster in pdf).

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